2018 Color of the Year: Ultra Violet

2018 is the year of Ultra Violet.
Pantone announced the color of 2018 in late last year, and it has already made its presence know in designs across several fields. This bold, blue based shade will be the color to look for through the 2018 event season. Ultra violet caries a luxurious and sexy vibe, while conjuring thoughts of what is to come. It inspires us to look towards the future and embrace how our events are transforming right now.
Interested in incorporating it in your event decor, signage, settings, and more? Here are a few ideas we found and are loving:
Get Inspired by Violet:
Sometimes we look so hard for the next year's theme when all we need to do is find a little color inspiration.
What month is your next event? Did you know the February birth flower is the Violet? Coincidence we are posting this now? ... perhaps.
In addition to a central theme to design your event around, use of color can also have tremendous impact on your marketing and attendee perception. Ask anyone who has event branding experience and they will tell you leveraging the psychology of color is an art and a science. So what does the color of 2018 communicate? Purple combines the calm stability of blue like water and the fierce energy of red like fire. The color purple is often associated with luxury,royalty, power, nobility, and ambition. Purple also represents creativity, dignity, wisdom, wealth, extravagance, devotion, peace, independence, pride, magic and mystery. A very inspiring color indeed!
Wrap Your Event in Goodwill
There are many different social and health purple ribbon causes you can easily incorporate in to your next event. Below is an extensive list of causes to consider supporting at your next event.
Purple Ribbon Social Causes
Domestic Violence
Religious Tolerance
Animal Abuse
Overdose Awareness
Anti-Gay Bullying (Spirit Day)
Children Left Unattended in Cars
The Homeless
Pagan pride
The Victims of 9/11 (includes police and firefighters)
Purple Ribbon Medical Causes
Pancreatic Cancer
Crohn's Disease and Colitis
Cystic Fibrosis
Macular Degeneration
Sjogren's Syndrome
Thyroid Cancer
Cancer Survivor (this is a general color that anyone who has survived cancer can wear), Arnold Chiari Malformation
Hurler Syndrome
Childhood or Pediatric Stroke
Epilepsy (Purple Day)
Found on https://www.azureaster.com/awareness-ribbon-colors.html
Ready. Set. Go ULTRA

Here are the color recipes for those that like this sort of thing
Pantone: 18-3838 or 2096 C
RGB: 101 R, 78 G, 163 B
CMYK: 76 C, 75 M, 0 Y, 0 K
HEX: 654EA3
There are some great tools and color codes that you can use to get inspired and throw a little "Ultra" into your events this year. Below is one of Pantone's palette samples for color combinations.

Want more inspiration? Follow us on Pinterest as we continue to explore where this color will take us in 2018.
JW Meeting Solutions is a full service meeting and event management company.
We specialize in the management of conferences and events of all shapes and sizes, across a broad spectrum of arenas; from medical, educational, business and scientific to government and association.
We’re practiced in finding solutions to any challenge to create an event experience with a difference.
Our passion is to create exceptional educational programs and meetings that engage, educate, and foster attendee affinity with the mission and vision of our partner organizations.